Stefan is also the founder of Carrison
and Cocodrilo Productions


Stefan también es el fundador de
y Cocodrilo Productions

The Representation Wall

I am honored to be featured in REPP ’s project Representation Wall, and in such great company!

This initiative is leveraging positive career stories in order to increase the visibility of minority Finns and other minorities living in Finland.

The thing is, I have not really considered myself a minority in the 15 years I have been living a Finland. A foreigner, an immigrant, of course, but I have never felt isolated or invisible. My very first job hunt back in 2007 was an ordeal but I made it through and there were other factors in play. Years later I started my business with a solid dose of Finland’s support (starttiraha and free mentoring). And my definition of success is tied with happiness, freedom and kindness, nothing spectacular there either.

But maybe that is the point: irrespective of other people’s definition of success, we should all strive, as local communities and as society as a whole, to help one another be happy. Challenged enough to keep learning and kind enough to help one another through life.

Thank you HNMKY MOK, thank you Sofie Gregersen and Pierre Jallow for the opportunity.

Find out more about this inspiring initiative: The Representation Wall.

End of story?

Entrepreneurs of Finland Interview