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I grew up under the Mediterranean sun in a popular Finnish destination: Alicante. I did not live in the city but 7-8km away in Cabo de las Huertas, a residential area very close to the sea. The best 3 words to describe my childhood and teenage years are sun, friends, and freedom. And to be frank: what else would I need?

Usually my daughter loves when we dance. Play some music and she will start jumping, spinning, laughing. So, today, when we came back from a lovely walk in the woods, I decided to open Spotify and launch some latino tunes. Nothing. Maybe I should…

I have been slightly frustrated lately, I wonder if I'm alone. It starts when someone starts the following sentence: “I actually don’t use email anymore…”. Now, let’s see how that usually ends: “I actually don’t use email anymore… I prefer if we connect by…

The story of a country is made by the people living in it. One can always look at the History books to remember the key actions, trends, heroes and crises that shaped the past. But, at the end of the day, we are nothing but a huge canvas of intertwined personal stories…

It happened on one of those days that make #Helsinki look grey. Mist engulfing the city one street at a time and soaking us all, down to our bones, if we don’t find shelter fast enough. I was exhausted, waiting in the bus with my hat still on and slightly wet toes. One of those times when…

I'm 33. My teenage years seem far, far away. Even my early 20s have started to vanish in a light nostalgic fog. I had stopped thinking about them. I had stopped listening to them. Somehow I thought I had outgrown them. And then, Chester Bennington took his own life last night.

I don't type it often but, when I do, I have to stop, exhale, think. Each keystroke feels like cutting the next wire from a soon to blow up bomb: b-e-g-r-u-d-g-i-n-g-l-y. It is, ironically, the word I spell most begrudgingly.

I've lived in Finland over 10 years. I've always managed in English. I do not speak Finnish and my Swedish is limited. Is this normal? Is this ok? Well... It starts with: “Timmo. Sorry. I don’t [pause] English very well.” That sentence…

A short night-time story: I am working late. The world is dark outside, the house is quiet. Suddenly, from the living room, a short high-pitch cry and a thud. In that order.

I grew up in Alicante. Snow was something that happened to others. Now, you could drive to higher land, couple of hours away, and have a first-hand experience but, still: snow was a mythical phenomenon. Something we would never…