Stefan is also the founder of Carrison
and Cocodrilo Productions


Stefan también es el fundador de
y Cocodrilo Productions

Happy 99th

You couldn’t wait. Seriously. You could not wait just some weeks. You had to do it today, on a 6th of December.

Then again, it fits you. You don’t like easy, never have, never will. And you are pragmatic: if we do this, we do it now. So 6th of December was possibly as ideal a date as any other. It’s dark, it’s harsh, it’s possibly raining or snowing but certainly cold. So what? For you, “it’s life”. Get a coat, light a candle, grab a bottle of Kossu or go to sauna. What’s the fun in life if you only enjoy summers?

You could not wait. You saw your opportunity, you took it. Kudos to you, by the way: when it comes to international sales you are not always the fastest or boldest but damn, you moved fast that time. You knew this was your time.

You are young, you have that drive, that passion. And the fight you picked up with your neighbours years later only made you stronger, prouder. Autumn, winter, they are not a problem, they just are.

So you celebrated today, discreetly and quietly, you are not a bragger. Only when someone pushes you a bit you might get that spark in your eye. "Finland is not that bad". Then you'll say the weather sucks but, who are you kidding, you know it defines you. "Sun is nice but driving on snow is much funnier".

Should I visit your city, your town? Turku, Loviisa, Jakobstad? Yes, sure, “but come in summer, it’s much prettier”. Damn it, I’ve heard that line thousand times. What a shame. I would have actually like to go on the 6th of December. It might be dark, it might be wet but, damn it, it is you. And I love you, Finland.

Happy 99th.

[Originally published on Fb page]

Promising start
