Stefan is also the founder of Carrison
and Cocodrilo Productions


Stefan también es el fundador de
y Cocodrilo Productions


I hate recipes that end with "serve immediately".

Asking a Spaniard to do something immediately is just a recipe for trouble. What is "immediately" anyway? 1 minute? 5? 15 seconds? 

Do I have to yell, "go go go!!!!" and start panic-feeding my family -they might not respond well*- while I scream "sorry guys, this CANNOT WAIT"? 

I made a soup yesterday. The last sentence of the recipe was "serve immediately". When I told my dear wife that dinner was ready she answered "ok, let me go to the bathroom": I got upset and hyperventilated.
"Serve immediately" is culturally misleading. It's a hazard. It's a cause for divorce, stress sick-leaves and 2nd degree burns.

What about "serve as fast as you can", "hey buddy, better enjoy it up while still warm!" or "if I were you I would eat this straight away"? Any better ideas?

*Now that I think about it, the dogs would be fine: turbo-eating has never been a problem for them. They are the alpha-males in the fauna-vacuum-cleaning-world.

[Originally published on Fb page]

Sand and snow

Promising start