Stefan is also the founder of Carrison
and Cocodrilo Productions


Stefan también es el fundador de
y Cocodrilo Productions

This will blow your mind!

The following lines will blow your mind!

Nah, not really. They won't. I am tired. Very tired of things that will "blow my mind". Exhausted of "you won't believe what happened next".

It's also infuriating. To use grandiloquent headlines that have now lost their meaning in order to show me a video of a skateboarding dog, a guy juggling full beer glasses or an elephant and a lion hugging each other to sleep. I actually do believe it happened and no, it does not really blow my mind.

Of course, my awesomeness threshold has been pushed further and further with each passing year: a faster internet and better browsing habits have led me to finding amazing and sometimes unique content. So, even if you try, even if you actually give it a very good shot, it will be really hard to blow my mind. But that is not the issue here, really, if you were at least trying. The issue here is clickbait to ad-infested sites with low tier -and possibly stolen- content. They are not even trying.

Finally, it's a shame. The reason why my awesomeness threshold is so high is precisely because Internet is The Portal To Awesomeness. You can find the most beautiful drawings, heartwarming texts, funny videos, amazing infographics, and so on, and on, and even further on. Internet is an infinite well of wisdom, fun and yes, yes, it can blow your mind. It will, actually, if you take time and trim your sources. But just don’t expect work-from-home-Jim or bored-at-work-Andrea to blow your mind with poorly filtered Facebook shit-posting. Don’t even click those links, don’t even acknowledge them. Review the criteria you use when sharing “funny things”, think before you send these “crazy stories” our way, be picky with your own clicks. And let your mind be blown only on those very few precious occasions when something truly rocks your world.

Enough with this text. But please, stay, scroll down: you won't believe what happens next!*

*Disclaimer: yes, you will. It's me, writing. Again. And again. And again.

[Originally published on Fb page]

Viva Finlandia

The Hug