Stefan is also the founder of Carrison
and Cocodrilo Productions


Stefan también es el fundador de
y Cocodrilo Productions

Viva Finlandia

Dear Finland,

The story of a country is made by the people living in it. One can always look at the History books to remember the key actions, trends, heroes and crises that shaped the past. But, at the end of the day, we are nothing but a huge canvas of intertwined personal stories.

I've had the privilege to participate in the last 11 years of your life. Since you turn 100, that rounds up as witnessing 11% of your independent life. Not bad. Not bad at all.

I landed in Helsinki 3 months after you won Eurovision with Lordi. That was a fair warning of what I was getting myself into. In case there were any doubts left, the year after you were forced to welcome Europe into your Hartwall Arena and you celebrated such occasion by the tune of "leave me alone, I want to go home". Yes, that sounds like you.

I found out just how hard it was to get a job without speaking the language. That forced me to reevaluate my skills, adapt, adjust, and learn. I got my first job and worked from 8 to 4 in places where overtime was acknowledged and paid. I discovered a flatter hierarchy working culture where I can reach almost any person in any company and engage in direct discussions. And I always keep in mind how this paragraph would be even harder back home for someone in my situation.

I've seen Nokia at its peak and at the later "burning oil platform" stage. And I've seen plenty of talent move on from there and start amazing journeys.

I started my own business too and I actually help some of those journeys reach international markets and find their SoMe and video voice. I'd like to think my small contribution has helped reinforce your presence abroad. #BragForFinland? I can, but it should start from within you more often.

I always think of "Vero" as the short name for "Veronica". I like to imagine she is a lovely socially responsible girl who redistributes my tax money where it is most needed. It makes it easier to swallow. I do use your roads though, and I am still trying to figure out how you manage to respond so quickly after each snowstorm. Where I come from, rain equal chaos. I also studied here for free and I recently spent time at Kotka's hospital -Porvoo was no longer available. I have even started to check some kindergartens where the monthly fee is based on one's income.

I am the father of a 6-month old lovely girl that will grow up to be 25% Spanish, 25% French, 50% Finnish, 100% awesome. She will get an amazing education and will be fluent in Swedish too: I am also part of this great minority that says "skål!" when the beer glasses are raised.

I fell in love with your forests at first sight and with your saunas at first sweat. I've spent countless hours in the woods chasing my dogs -or vice versa- and enjoying the quiet surroundings and the clean air. I've walked on mud, grass, snow, ice, moss and I've landed on my ass more times than I care to admit.

And these are just comments from the top of my head.

As you can see, I've had my fair share of amazing memories and some struggles. It's life, my dear, that's all. And you have provided me with an amazing environment and tools for me to grow and live it to the fullest.

For that, I thank you. And I wish you all the best for the next 100. May my humble personal story continue to splash some color on your extraordinary canvas.

Viva Finlandia! 

#Finland100 , #Suomi100 ,  Finland

[Originally published on Fb page]


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